الأسرة العراقية بين قيود التنشئة وحرية العولمة - دراسة ميدانية في مدينة بغداد
It is well-known that modern Iraq under socio-political transformations and challenges, witnessed a great changes all-over the socio-cultural context, especially on the family. The dominance of the information technology worldwide makes the glob as small as a village. Iraq in particular, started new era after a decade of isolation.
The discussion of any development in the field of communication technology may reflected on the cultural aspect of all human societies, where is some invention reshaped human life; the invention of printing technology, TV and Radio, the wheels, and finally the computer and the internet have always regarded as salient points in the development of human cultures. These inventions bring all human being together in terms of understanding and interacting and probably sharing some behaviours. The providers of the information technology become part of the game; thus, there is no known sender as used to be, and no known receiver as usual; they exchange positions; the receiver could take place the sender and vice versa, which it called today “the democracy of information”, where it is available for everyone and to every category in the society.
For all that the importance of the global communication become very useful and very dangerous at the same time; very useful as it provides information easily to everyone doorstep, and dangerous as it may have undermined the socio-cultural values of the local communities and deeply penetrated through the texture of the local societies, which in turn create unprecedented problems, for example, the traditional generations conflict which has been reshaped and takes different paths, may harden the solutions to reunite the family with the old tools. However, the problem of globalisation, post- modernity and information revolution era entails parent’s high degree of adjustment and sacrifices in order to provide the society with socialized and educated individuals, otherwise they will lose control.
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