Executive function and its relationship to sensitivity to problems for distinguished and regular students, a comparative study


  • Maryam Mahzoul Muhammad






The Current Research Aiming For:                                                                                          

1-    Measure Executive Function For Distinguished Students.                                                                                        

2-    Measure Executive Function For Ordinary Students.                                                   

3- Realizing Differences In Executive Function According To Gender (Males And Females )And Study Kind ( Distinguished   And Ordinary  ) .                                                                                                     

4 -Measure Sensitivity To Problems For Distinguished  Students.                                    

5 -Measure Sensitivity To Problems For ordinary Students .                                        

6 -Realizing Differences In Sensitivity To Problems According To  Gender (Males And Females) And Study Kind ( Distinguished   And Ordinary  ) .                                                                                                

7 -Realizing The Relation Between   Executive Function And Sensitivity To Problems. 

To Accomlish Research Goals,The Research Has Ready  The Measure Of Executive F unction And The Measure OF Sensitivity To Problems With Their TO Parts(A-B)  .                   

1-Coining (30)Items To Describe Executive Function Distributed As(6)Items  On(5)Fields.                                                                                                  

2- Coining (12) Behavioral Position To Describe Sensitivity To Problems (A) (Direct Awareness) Distributed As(3) Items On(4)Fields.                                                                                           

3- Choosing (9) Forms To Describe  Sensitvity To Problems (B) (Indirect Awareness).

         Researcher Implemented  The  Two  Measures On Sample Contain (200) Male And Female  Secondary Student Distributed As (100)Male And Female From Distinguished Secondary School And  (100)Male And Female From Ordinary Secondary School For Grades (Fourth ,Fifth, Sixth)Scientism Specialization  For Study  Season 2014-2015  .After Processing Data  Statistically Using (T-Test)For one Sample And (T-Test) For Two Independent Samples And Pearsons Correlation Coefficient  And Point – Biserial Correlation Coefficient And Phi Correlation Coefficient And

 Chi-quare Test  And Alpha – Cronbach Formula And Kuder- Richardson Formula And Two – Way Analysis Of Variance   .                                                                                       


 Research Reached  Many Results:                                                                                                      

1-Research Sample (Distinguished Students)Has Above Medium Theoretical Measure LevelFor Executive Function .                                                            

2-Research Sample( Ordinary Students ) Has  Above  Medium Theoretical   Measure Level For Executive Function.                                                                                                           

3-There Is No A Statistical Distinguish Difference In Executive Function According To Gender (Males And Females ) , There Is A  Statistical Distinguish Difference According To Study Kind (Distinguished And Ordinary ) For Distinguished Interest , There Is A  Reaction Between Gender ( Males And Females) And Study Kind (Distinguished And Ordinary)  .

4 - Research  Sample  (Distinguished  Students ) Has  Above  Medium  Theoretical  Measure Level  For Sensitivity  Problems.                                                                                                       

5 - Research  Sample (Ordinary  Students ) Has Above Medium Theoretical  Measure  Level  For  Sensitivity  Problems .                                                                                                             

6 – There Is A  statistical   Distinguish  Difference  In Sensitivity  Problems  According  To    Gender  ( males And  Females ) For Female Interest  , There Is No A  statistical   Distinguish  Difference  According To Study Kind (Distinguished And Ordinary )  , There Is No A   Reaction Between Gender ( Males And Females) And Study Kind (Distinguished And Ordinary)  .                                                           

7 - There  Is  A  Positive   Relation  Between  Executive  Function And  Sensitivity  To           Problems.                                                                                                                              

According  To  Research  Results  ,  Researcher  Came  Up  With  Many Recommendation.

1-Ministry   Of  Education   Should  Improve  Awareness  Of  Executive  Function  And  Sensitivity   To  problems  And  Its  Important  Active  Role  In Education  Life .            

And  To  Complete  And  Cover  The  Research , Researcher   Suggested:                                     

1-Doing Researches  Like The Presence  Research , On  Other  Samples  Including  Social And  Different   Segments


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Educational and psychological sciences

How to Cite

Executive function and its relationship to sensitivity to problems for distinguished and regular students, a comparative study. (2015). Al-Adab Journal, 113, 537-570. https://doi.org/10.31973/aj.v0i113.1430

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