The myth between technical structure & the semantic production In AL Nabigha Thubiny ,s poetry
الاساطير الخيالية ، الجن ، الطيور ، الحيوانات ، الشخصيات الأسطورية، الملك ، الاله ، الربAbstract
Language is clearly associated with identity, and language is the cornerstone of identity as the true melting pot of the elements of belonging and memory of the future . since the relationship of language with identity is a very close relationships, Arabic is considered an identity of its Arab owners because it is the language of the holy Quran and its close association with the civilization of the Arab nations as well as having other characteristics that distinguished it from other language.
The Arab nation is facing great challenges that seek to undermine its identity, but rather to make it subordinate to other language . These challenges include : Globalization, media in all its aspects, and the dualism on the colloquial and the philistine language.
Globalization, the media in all its aspects, and the duality of colloquial and philistine language. the research shows the necessity of mobilization the Arab nation in general and Islamic in particular to meet these challenges by reformulating the cultural and developmental policy. Preserving the Arabic language is a religious duty and a constitutional right. The loyal people who are interested in language must follow a clear language policy. And media , according to a comprehensive scientific planning.
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