سياسة بريطانيا تجاه كندا 1763- 1867
The present research entitled "British police towards Canada 1763-1867". Since treaty of Paris between Britain and France, began to populate formerly-French Canada with English speaking settler. British governors ruled new territories absolutely until the constitutional act of 1791, which created the first Canadian legislatures. These weak bodies were still inferior to the governors until the granting of responsible government in 1848. with their new powers, the colonies chose to federate in 1867, creating a new state, Canada , with the new title of dominion.
The present research paper comprises and introduction, four chapters and conclusion.
Chapter one investigates Geographical location and beginning of European settlement in Canada.
Chapter two tackles rebellion of 1837-1838. chapter three focuses upper Canada and lower Canada unit. Chapter four sheds light on London conference and declaration Canadian confederation 1867
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