A Proposed Design and Rationale of Task-Based Activity as a Learning Assessment


  • Hayder Al Hamdany The University of Kufa Department of English Language Najaf




Language assessments are tests used to evaluate student communication ability. They are employed to source information critical to making decisions for education programs. Furthermore, language assessment can indicate a person’s level of ability to acquire, learn and use a new language (Bachman 1990 p. 94). The current article aims to design an English language assessment test to assess the language skills of listening and writing of fourth year students in a senior public secondary school in Iraq. First, the teaching context in which the assessment is designed for will be explained. Next, an illustration of the test’s purpose in language evaluation will be given.  Following, the rationale underling the assessment will be addressed, with reference to theory of language and language learning. Furthermore, construct validity of the test through analysis of the outcomes of the test will be presented. Finally, the detailed procedures and the rubrics of the assessment shall be summarized.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


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دراسات أخرى

كيفية الاقتباس

A Proposed Design and Rationale of Task-Based Activity as a Learning Assessment. (2018). مجلة الآداب, 1(125), 15-24. https://doi.org/10.31973/aj.v1i125.37

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