تقييم كفاءة التوزيع المكاني لأبراج شبكات الانترنيت في مدينة الموصل باستخدام الـــــ GIS
نظم المعلومات الجغرافية ، ابراج الانترنيت ، التوزيع المكاني ، جغرافية النقل ، الاتصالاتAbstract
The research aims to assess the efficiency of the spatial structure of the towers Internet networks using the GIS, to identify patterns of distribution and service ranges in the northern city of Mosul. The answer came that the spatial distribution of the towers is one of the style aggregate value of 1-6%, especially near the uses of residential, and varying ranges of service provided by companies to the ability of towers each to provide services to over 60% of the area and the size of the city's population, compared towers other companies did not exceeding 14% according to the ranges of towers that disclosed hierarchical levels for the distribution towers Internet networks in the city of Mosul unbalanced spatially therefore inefficient distribution, which is required to reconsider the structure of the spatial distribution of the towers according to the criteria planning and environmental level city of Mosul to ensure the efficiency of the operation and to achieve the organic link between geography and development.
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