Analysis of The Morphometric Characteristics of The Qalatubzan Valley Basin Using GIS


  • Ranya Fadel Khalifa Al-Fayadi University of Baghdad College of Arts
  • Assist.Prof. Suhaila Najem AlIbrahimi (Ph.D.) University of Baghdad - College of Arts



Qalatubzan valley, water basins, river drainage


The study aims to identify the close and mutual relationship between soil and water resources, as the soil nourishes the basins of water resources in the Qalatubzan region, which is located in the Sulaymaniyah Governorate, in the Kalar district, between two latitudes (35° 4ʹ 56ʹʹ _25ʹ 53° 34) north. and between (45° 35ʹ 6ʹʹ - 53ʹ 21° 45) east longitude, and because the study area is distinguished by the diversity of soils in it, which affected the irrigation projects. The highest percentage of land suitability within the assembly plain unit reached (32.8%) of the total area of ​​the study area and (21.95%), as this category is characterized by its high suitability for agricultural use. All this is due to the effectiveness of the positive role of geographic information systems (GIS) technology in studying the components of the natural environment of water basins and achieving accurate results as well as shortening time, effort and cost.


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Author Biographies

  • Ranya Fadel Khalifa Al-Fayadi, University of Baghdad College of Arts

    Graduate student

  • Assist.Prof. Suhaila Najem AlIbrahimi (Ph.D.), University of Baghdad - College of Arts

    Assistant Professor, PhD in Geography, Research Supervisor


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How to Cite

Al-Fayadi, R., & AlIbrahimi, S. (2023). Analysis of The Morphometric Characteristics of The Qalatubzan Valley Basin Using GIS. Al-Adab Journal, 145, 311-336.

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