منهج صدر المتألهين الشيرازي النقدي في مسألة العالم بين القدم والحدوث
الشيرازي, المتألهينAbstract
This study deals with the issue of the world's oldness and its existence, one of the most difficult philosophical and verbal issues that differed in it. There is a lot of controversy between philosophers and speakers. Many philosophers believe that it is temporal and that except God does not precede time but precisely because of his vision of avoiding accidents without reason. . While the speakers emphasize all that God is updated creature and that he was found after pure nihilism, based on his belief that the Almighty had nothing with him. This task has occupied the mind of Al-Shirazi, the other in a great degree, and tried to be at the same time a satisfactory opinion of the mind and does not conflict with religious texts, and here raises the question: What is the opinion of Al-Shirazi from philosophers? And what is his opinion from the speakers? Did he defend one on the other? Or did he try to reconcile them or did he rebel against them? Is it what is presented by Shirazi in this field is consistent with the discoveries of the modern era or is it contrary to all these problems. It is known that the philosophical thought is a series of episodes that are inseparable and can't be said that there is a new doctrine all the novelty, but there are introductions of original sources can't be overlooked at the study or analysis of a doctrine or philosophy has benefited Shirazi of his predecessors of Greek philosophers or Muslim philosophers, where he collected and organized his ideas and added to the legacy of philosophy can not be ignored and was able to build a new philosophical approach characterized by integration and interdependence and criticism in his name (with transcendent wisdom). Mulla Sadr Shirazi also managed through his method many solutions to the philosophical problems that failed many philosophers who preceded him, where he adopted method of mixing between the method of Mashaeen based on the measure and rational premises, and the method of Ashrakin relying on the science of the lower, which gets through the inspiration and detection and intuition as it has integrated the science of deity in the wisdom of research and invoked in the detective facts with the educational data that the researcher will try to answer through the search, God willing.
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