Reading the plastic images between pleasure and pain in the structure of the pre-Islamic poem

(AlKhamra as a model)


  • Asst. Prof. Amal Hassan Taher Wasit University / College of Arts- department of Arabic language



plastic image, wine, structure of the pre-Islamic poem, pain and pleasure, reality, imagination


The research deals with the study of the plastic image created by pain and pleasure in the structure of the pre-Islamic poem, through selecting poems for a group of pre-Islamic poets and making (wine) a model for the study in terms of its connection to the factors of psychological breakdown among those poets as a result of the awareness of existence and the realization of its tragic reality, or living through harsh social experiences So wine was a means of compensation and the creation of a new world that illuminates the darkness of the soul, so the controversy arises between the feeling of pain in reality and the feeling of pleasure that the new world achieves.

Wine has always been associated with positive behaviors and actions such as giving and giving, which are qualities that simulate social values that cannot be ignored in the pre-Islamic society, in addition to its importance in the structure of the poem and the link between its paintings, because the manifestation of wine in the structure of the pre-Islamic poem simulates the desire to survive, and the human search for what fulfills those desires.


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Author Biography

  • Asst. Prof. Amal Hassan Taher , Wasit University / College of Arts- department of Arabic language

    Assistant Professor at Wasit University/College of Arts/Arabic Language Department

    Specific specialty: pre-Islamic literature


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Linguistics and Arabic literature

How to Cite

Reading the plastic images between pleasure and pain in the structure of the pre-Islamic poem : (AlKhamra as a model). (2023). Al-Adab Journal, 2(147), 1-22.

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