Investigation of music in Abutamam’s ode in the elegy of Mohammed bin Hamid al-Toosi
This research investigates the elements of music in Abutamam’s ode in elegy of Mohammed bin Hamid al-Toosi one of the leaders of al-Muʿtaṣim bi’llah, and any ode is not empty of music elements and a great part of the ode be formed by music and the music is an important factor among the many factors that make the poem as far as the use of music is the superiority factor of some poets than other poets.
Abutamam’s ode in elegy of martyr hero Mohammed bin Hamid al-Toosi is one of the most famous odes in Arabic poetry, where the impact of his death among people as well as courage, power and forgiveness of that hero and rider is depicted, and Abutamam has acted successfully by the selection of long poem and R rhyme, because to-R ended odes are the most common in Arabic poetry and because of the abundance of many Arabic words that lead to R and R rhyme has a perfect proportion with the content of the ode, which implies the grief, sorrow and sadness.
This research investigates the diverse dimensions of music in elegy of Mohammed bin Hamid al-Toosi including outside music that investigates prosodic with used rhyme in the ode and internal music which contains repetition, pun and reiteration and also spiritual music which contains paradox and parallelism.
This research leads us to some results and the most important are the music due to the repetition of letters and words and puns and so on, which has a strong connection with the objectives of the poet and conveys the poet’s inner states to reader and the music has been able to be successful completely, as types of music reach to their highest technical degree and put the reader in the sorrowful atmosphere.
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