mystic trend in hair Mohammed Jaafar Radi / shifts Spirit model (analytical study – technical )
The mysticism in the poetry of Mohammad Radi Jaafar mysticism naturally is artificially was to Ankbabh on the study of the Sufi heritage, and briefed on the Sufi philosophy in particular and the general philosophy; and that in the course of his study phase doctorate for his thesis tagged (mystical visions in contemporary Arabic poetry), Kdothera where Emma effect, but I doubt that the willingness to accept mysticism -mchaara and Sloka- was another key factor in the shift to the poetry of Sufism is away from the shadows of the mystic behavior. All of this poet of his body in his office shifts Spirit, which is the strange mixture of integrals and overlaps offers for their way poet poem fun Aiml the reader to ponder and meditate rhythm, intensity and extent and Tnasa and Aameadtha. It is perhaps a kind of flowers for perfume Aiml reader .
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