Rhythmic structure and its significance In Daliate al Sharif Razi In Elegy of al Imam Hussein(peace be upon him)
The poem is based in the form on their musical structure The essential element Is the rhythm. Voice rhythm Linguistic tool for poets Translat diverse feelings and Help to achieve the goal in Impact and transfer of feelings and emotions al Sharif Razi Noted this expressionist style In his poem especially In his Daliate In memory of al Imam Hussein. This study dealt According to statistical descriptive and analytical approach with Rhythmic Significance manifested In Internal and external music and relation Each from them by Poetic content In Daliate al Sharif Razi. The most important results obtained by this study It is that al Sharif Razi has benefited from the possibility of change in the weight of skis and illnesses in good benefit and Care of great importance and location rhythmic rhymes And that in the poem concentricity strong internal rhythm be intensified In rhymes and Chime in which the characters as well as repeating words and Last rhyme In poem Significance Appropriate of the intended meaning And consonants and vowels useful in expressing the intended meaning And Play an important role at the Rhythmic and musical baet.
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