التنمية الادارية للمرا كز البحثية في جامعة بغداد


  • عائدة مخلف القريشي جامعة بغداد مركز البحوث التربوية والنفسية




The current study aimed to determine the criteria for administrative development of research centers at the University of Baghdad. And to identify the availability of these standards to the managers of the research centers and department heads. The current research is based on the directors and heads of the departments of the research centers at the University of Baghdad and the number of (8) research centers for the academic year 2014-2015, the researcher decided to build one research tool after taking the views of experts in this area included the tool five areas for each area of ​​a number of paragraphs 14), the study and the development of the research center (14 paragraphs, development and modernization 17 paragraphs, supervision and follow-up 16, calendar 14), the study reached the field of development and modernization ranked first among the areas of administrative development weighted average (2,57) 77%) of the grade (necessary and important), as confirmed by the directors of the research centers (65%) and the second rank within the fields of administrative development, which showed the confirmation of directors of research centers and heads of departments the importance of this area within the work of managers and heads (2.39) percent weight (72%) and ranked third in the sequence of administrative development areas required for managers of research centers and department heads where the field of organization has a weighted average (2.19) ) With a percentage weight (66%) obtained the fourth rank in the areas of administrative development for the directors of the research centers and heads of departments, who pointed out and stressed the importance of this area in the system and in the administrative process because of its role in accomplishing the tasks and activities, which is the actual implementation tool to complete the plans and thus achieve the objectives of the research The results showed that the field of planning obtained a weighted average (1.92) and a percentage weight (58%), thus achieving the fifth ranking, which emphasizes the importance of its presence within the criteria and areas of administrative development, and in order to benefit from Results of the study The researcher put some recommendations and suggestions.



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Author Biography

  • عائدة مخلف القريشي, جامعة بغداد مركز البحوث التربوية والنفسية

    أ.د. عائدة مخلف القريشي

    جامعة بغداد

    مركز البحوث التربوية والنفسية


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How to Cite

التنمية الادارية للمرا كز البحثية في جامعة بغداد. (2018). Al-Adab Journal, 1(122), 555-572. https://doi.org/10.31973/aj.v1i122.228

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