Extent of the Biology science Text book for the third intermediate Grade in Iraq of achieving the learning output form the point of view of subject Teachers


  • غادة سامي محمد البياتي Ghada Sami Mohammad Bayati




This Study aimed to reveal the extent of the biology salience text book for the learning output form the point of view of the subject’s teachers.To achieve the goal form this study questionnaire has been prepared consisted of (27) coleuses with tertiary steeper’s distributed to four fields ( the content , goals, educational means and evaluation) Study population represents its sample that reached (80) male available and female teachers teaching the biology subject in Al-an tar Education Directorate in Al- Solaimaniyah Governorate. The results showed that the degree of the Biology science text book for the intermediate third grade achievement form the point of view of the subject’s teachers was at media degree, also the results showed the absence of differences with statistically significance at significance level (a =0.05) in the degree of the Biology textbook of achieving the learning outputs attribute to any of the study’s independent variables ( Gender, scientific Qualification, years of experience) whether on the instrument as a whole or on the sal-fields. 



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Author Biography

  • غادة سامي محمد البياتي, Ghada Sami Mohammad Bayati

    Ghada Sami Mohammad Bayati


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How to Cite

Extent of the Biology science Text book for the third intermediate Grade in Iraq of achieving the learning output form the point of view of subject Teachers. (2018). Al-Adab Journal, 1(127), 420-441. https://doi.org/10.31973/aj.v1i127.187

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