ظاهرة الألم في شعر المتنبي
Through my study of injustice view by ALmutanabe I conclude the following
- There is proportional relation between his personal life and his poetry . Most of his poetry is a reflection of this life filled with disturbance , anxiety and fanaticism .
- Almutanabe fought , conflict an work hard to had a position among great men and to be famous in his time .
- Hard experience and the injustice he confronted helped him to release his poetic energy and his distinguished discrimination thoughts .
- His poetry was characterized tranquil and pacifity in front of time hardness his the terrany of officials specially his suffering in jails even without reasons .
- He was not occupied with beautiful woman and charming concubine and he was not occupied with alcoholism because he was working to achieve his revolution against the enemy of Arabs and call the people for reform and fighting corruption also he wanted to achieve his personal aims to assume high positions.
He never abandon subjective (I) whenever he went It was his weapon against any person . Who attempt to abase his prestige and degrade his dignity . Man comes to life without choosing his family or lineage , but it is real situation . If amen comes from a poor family or have no lineage should be treated as himself not as self of others . Almutanabe became the century poet and occupied high status as he had art , rhetoric and poetry . Thus he must be respected and evaluated . But he suffered from less reception and unfair treatment from people specially from envious and failing . That made him suffer from injustice days , because as he found the doors opened they were closed again by persons around him .
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