Pages from the history of the Algerian Communist Party after independence


  • Maha Naji Hussain





As Communist Parties in the Arab world fragmented for the expression of the aspirations of the Arab people, they stayed suffer from alienation from the reality of society, because it has extensions outside the framework of the aspirations of the people, this communist parties in the Arab world at the time were known by their relation to the policies of foreign policy led by the Soviet Union.

We can say that the Algerian Communist Party was the party of which were based on well-known intellectual base. As other communist parties would unions that believe in Marxism.

Algerian Communist Party cannot play role worth mentioning. The administration of communism, which is considered as an office tool is unrelated with people, so they were not able to analyze the revolution adequately.

the role of the party minimized as a serious organization because of its belonging to the French Communist Party until after independence

in 1962 which led to the erosion of their Algerian nationalism beliefs which appeared what those contradictions and opportunism in front of armed resistance and in front of the national government. As we saw some individual acts issued by some communists who joined the ranks of the Liberation Army and Liberation Front. The Algerian Communist Party tried to be benefit after Algerian independence from these individual positions for him to conceal completely isolated and absent from Al-Jihad carried out by the Algerian revolution.

As a result, the Algerian Communist Party did not enter directly as part of the Algerian national movement, and That'the party did not know how to estimate the national right of the incident. Therefore, the Algerian Communist Party is in this view, just the examples and evidence of the failure of the communist parties, especially in the Arab countries


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How to Cite

Pages from the history of the Algerian Communist Party after independence. (2015). Al-Adab Journal, 112, 237-264.

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