The Effects of The Climatic Fluctuations on The Variations of The Dry and Avid Areas in Iraq


  • Joul Michael Talya College of Education- University of Al-Mustansiriya- Department of geography



Cyclones-Dry climate, Semiarid climate, Climatic Fluctuation, Anticyclone


 This study is concerned with both total or macroclimate and applied or micro climate to identify the various distances of the dry areas in Iraq, relying on three climatic cycles, the first (1970-1980), the second (1990-2000) and the third (2008-2018) for nine climate monitoring stations and to explain the cause of this phenomenon، Determining how many days the phenomenon has taken is based   on the analysis of surface maps for monitoring (0،12, 0،00) available on the website https://www،ers\،noaa،gon‘  It was found from the application of the equation that the climate of Iraq was characterized as a semi-arid climate for three climatic cycles، However, the fluctuation in the amounts of rain and temperature is based on the variation in the nature of the climate of the different Iraqi areas،

The central and southern climates were semi-arid during the first and second climatic cycle, and dry in the third cycle،  The equation application in the stations under study results in more clearly  identifiable varieties in the climate fluctuations in the dry areas ;  the analysis of surface monitoring maps  revealed less days witnessed  rising  air in the third cycle by (14،52%) than the total number of days of the rainy season, while the percentage of the other  several days was  (40،60%) at the second session ;  this    was  the reason behind the shallowness of the depressions, which resulted  in decreasing rain and  rainy days.


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How to Cite

The Effects of The Climatic Fluctuations on The Variations of The Dry and Avid Areas in Iraq. (2021). Al-Adab Journal, 1(139), 205-226.

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