التـأثيرات والأمراض المهنية لصناعة الاعلاف لمحافظتي بغداد وكربلاء
The environmental effects of fodder industry and their reflections on workers, it is shown that fodder industry is one of the industries that their effects are low on the environment and its workers; therefore, it is classified within the projects of class (C), i.e. the projects that have low or non negative effects. In spite of that, yet there are several procedures and measures laid by the Ministry of Environment that should be adopted when establishing the factory, as well as the fodder industry is considered as one of the industries that rely on raw material of vegetarian origin except the manufactured nutrient additives, thus the fodder industry is regarded an industry congregating raw materials with no pollutants of great damages left behind, but only these resulted from electric generators and steam boilers.
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