Blended learning and its relationship to effective student participation among university students in light of the Corona pandemic 2020-2021
blended learning, effective Student engagement, university studentsAbstract
Effective blended learning plays on the strengths of face-to-face and online learning, and combines the best of both approaches to facilitate the best learning outcomes for students.It helps students gain more understanding of the subject, develops their cognitive and social skills and their different cultural backgrounds, and contributes to developing their preferences in their thinking styles and the diversity of their scientific competencies. Technology supports this differentiation, as it accommodates students with special needs and different educational interests and effective Student engagement refers to the quality and quantity of students ’psychological, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral reactions to the learning process, as well as academic and social activities inside and outside the classroom.
And since university students are living a new reality imposed on them by the Corona (COVID-19) pandemic of inability to continue continuously from traditional learning, so the importance of blended learning has emerged for university students, and their effective engagement. The importance of effective engagement is also increasing, and the importance of blended learning in the era of progress supported by technology to ensure the continued provision of valuable education at the university level, so the researcher chose to be the research sample university students.
The research problem was summarized by the following question: How effective is blended learning among university students? Do they have effective engagement? Is there a correlation between blended learning and, effective Students engagement among university students?
The current research aims to identify:
- 1. Blended learning among university students.
- 2. Knowing the significant differences in the level of blended education according to the gender variable (male-female) and specialization (scientific – humanities).
- 3. effective Student engagement among university students.
- 4. Knowing the significant differences in effective Student engagement according to the variable of gender (male-female) and specialization (scientific-human).
- 5. The correlation between blended learning and effective Student engagement among university students.
In order to achieve the objectives of the research, (940) male and female students were selected from the students of the colleges, including scientific ones, including (College of Biomedical Informatics, College of Business Informatics, College of Dentistry) and Humanities (College of Arts, College of Education) from the Iraqi governmental universities in Baghdad, and they were selected in an intentional manner. Because of their application of the blended learning system, the researcher built the blended learning scale, based on the definition of Davis Tang and Chaw (DavisTang & Chaw, 2013).and Based on the theory of technology acceptance in 1986, the items of the scale consisted of (36) items distributed over six dimensions, which are (flexibility of education, online learning, study management, technology, teaching in the classroom, interaction via the Internet).
The effective Student engagement scale was also built based on the definition and theory of Gunuk and Kuzu (Gunuc & Kuzu, 2015). The effective Student engagement items were (40) items distributed into two dimensions (campus participation, class participation). The discriminatory power was extracted by two methods of the two extreme groups, the relation of the paragraph to the total degree. The validity and reliability were extracted, so the two scales were ready to be applied to the research sample, and after the data was applied and processed according to the statistical bag (spss).
The results showed the following:
- 1. University students have a high level of blended education (male-female).
- 2. There are no statistically significant differences in blended learning among university students, according to the gender variable, while there are statistically significant differences in the specialization variable in favor of scientific specialization.
- 3. University students have a high level of effective Student engagement (male-female).
- 4. There are no statistically significant differences in the effective Student engagement of university students, according to the variables of gender and specialization.
- There is a positive correlation between blended learning and effective Student engagement among university students.
In the light of the results, a number of recommendations and proposals were made, including:
Recommendations: The relevant authorities, including the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, should hold courses and workshops for cadres based on blended education to develop their knowledge of digital technologies and the process of creating content, which motivates students to use the blended learning mechanism effectively.
Suggestions: The researcher suggests conducting a study dealing with the relationship between blended learning and effective cognitive engagement among sixth preparatory students, and the relationship of blended education with sensory-perceptual preferences and learning styles according to patterns of brain dominance.
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