Factors Influencing the Delay of Marriage of sulaimani Woman


  • كويَستان على عبدالله جامعة السليمانية كلية العلوم الانسانية




This empirical investigation attempts to study the major factors which lead to the delay of marriage of many sulaimani women. The research project is dependent on the selection of a random sample of 200 unmarried women whose marriage has been delayed for a multiplicity of factors which 35-50 going to be explained later on. The age of unmarried women in the sample is averaged 40 years. All the unmarried women desire marriage as soon as possible.

The unmarried women wish that the age of their future husbands averages 30 years; and these future husbands should have academic qualifications which are not below a first university degree; besides the necessity of having a separate accommodation and some expensive furniture. The statistics of the survey reveal that 88% of the unmarried women have not been approached for marriage. The reasons which stand behind this fact are as follows:

  1. The presence of a cousin who objects to the marriage of the girl.
  2. The unwillingness of the girl to marry owing to her preoccupation with household duties.
  3. The preoccupation of the girl with lucrative occupation whose income badly needed by the girl's family.
  4. D) The inability of youths and men in general to afford the cost of marriage.     
  5. E) The rising cost of marriage, and the heavy demands made for their marriage.
  6. F) Lack of desire of youths to get married owing to the trying and difficult circumstances surrounding them, and their preference to travel abroad to get married.
  7. G) Youths prefer to build up their future and secure their life to get married especially when marriage has become costly and burdensome business.

These factors responsible for the delay of marriage of sulaimani women are sponsored by statistical evidence and data. In the end the researcher puts forward solutions to these factors so that the problem of delay of marriage of sulaimani women is reduced.


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Author Biography

  • كويَستان على عبدالله, جامعة السليمانية كلية العلوم الانسانية

    م.م. كويَستان على عبدالله

    جامعة السليمانية

    كلية العلوم الانسانية


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How to Cite

Factors Influencing the Delay of Marriage of sulaimani Woman. (2018). Al-Adab Journal, 1(118), 237-263. https://doi.org/10.31973/aj.v1i118.353

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