الخصائص المورفومترية لمروحة نهر دويريج في جنوب شرق العراق
This study aims to Asthaddad GIS technology in the detection characteristics morphometric River Basin Dwiridj represented characteristics of spatial and longitudinal and formal and topographic characteristics of sewer water in order to build a geographic database of the basin , was the use of visual space DEM and a map of Iraq type Shep File in the identification and mapping of topographic The sewer water was introduced into these maps to B.s. Arc GIS 10.2 has been producing a map of the basin of river and a network of water , which are classified to or less the same , according to the way the introduction of Wadi Analysis and an application within the application program Arc GIS, and painted map of digital elevation contour lines of the study area , was the production of digital maps and took various morphometric measurements and make some spatial relationships between these various properties that include the pelvis
As has been the study of the natural characteristics affecting his post in the pelvis and the rocky nature of the climate and topographic features.
The area of the pelvis College (1223.7 km2) and has been drawing anthropomorphic terrainous reflects the topographic characteristics and the extent of its impact on the river network properties (longitudinal and numerical), as well as the classification of these sewage into river arranged according to the numerical properties and longitudinal.
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