Socialization and Its Relation with Juveniles’ Delinquency
The aim of research is to:
- Identify one of the serious problems that Kurdish society suffes from is the relation between socialization and juveniles’ delinquency.
- Identify the socialization’s method that is implemented in Kurdish society, and its impact on children and their different behaviors.
- Put light on the role of the environment that the delinquency occurs in.
- Identify the types of deviation that are committed by some juveniles.
The research consists of theoretical and field study. The sample included (47) juvenile delinquents from the correctional institution of women/ juvenile section in Sulaimanyah city, which have been chosen by comprehensive-survey method. The researcher used questionnaire which consists of (25) questions. The research found out that:-
1- “Moral” delinquency came in the first level, “murdering” delinquency came in the second level and “thefts” delinquency came in the third level.
2-Illiteracy has spreaded in a high level among the juveniles’ parents.
3-Most of the juveniles’ families consisted of (8-7) person.
4-Most of the juveniles’ parents were living together, and a quarter of them one of their parents has died.
5-The juveniles who gained help from others in committing their crimes, (95.5%) of them were supported by friends.
Finally the researcher suggests some recommendations and propositions that would be beneficial to decrease juveniles’ delinquency in the Kurdish society.
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