The water needsfor irrigation projects in Karbala A study in the geography of water resources
The exploitation of water resources necessitates the increase in efficiency and reduce in water wasting . This could be done by knowing and specifying water needs for the crops that being considered the basis of agricultural project 's success , along with supplying the plants with sufficient water and with specified periods , as to prevent the waste or to prevent shortage in water . This could be based on many factors including ( the atmosphere , its elements , type of crop, soil type and to what extent it preserves the water) . Most of irrigation projects have been established in a period of time where water shortage has been not sufficiently estimated ; these projects have not been witnessed development as to pace the modern technologies under the dry and hot climate . This actually resulted into diminishing ratio of lands that could be implanted with rain water . Thus , it is necessary to establish irrigation projects as to secure continuous agriculture . When considering the water needs and irrigation technologies , these factors specify quantity of water that being sufficient for irrigation and specifying areas of farmlands that rely on methods of irrigation and type of crop decided to be planted in the governorate.
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