تحليل بيئي لمياه الصناعات الكبيرة الملوثة لنهر الفرات وآثارها الصحية في مدينة الناصرية
The environmental characteristics of the Euphrates River were studied in the city of Nasiriyah, which is exposed to the sources of industrial pollution. The analysis of the water models revealed a difference in the concentration of the environmental characteristics. For example, PH at Nassiriya thermal power station (8.5 mg / L) Heavy (TDD) in heavy aluminum (1880 mg / L) and (TSS) (mg / L) at the textile laboratory by (2.3 mg / L) and TH (733 mg / L) (190 mg / L), PO4 at the heavy capacitor (2.6 mg / L), (Ca) at the industrial capacitor plant (220 mg / L), and (oils and grease) (20.3 mg / L) and (Cl) at the industrial aluminum site (1653 mg / L), SO4 at the heavy aluminum plant at (1425 mg / L) and CoD at heavy aluminum with 144 mg / And the temperature at the power plant (30 ° -35 ° C), as well as the number of sites exceeded the industrial determinants and determinants of human use and drinking water, which resulted in the increase in the severity of the incidence of diarrhea diseases in children with the total annual rate of auditors for 2016, (39.8) recorded the highest during the hot summer because of drinking water and juices, while typhoid disease rate of infected (33.9) also increased in the summer months and rash, LGA infection rate (20.8) injured, as a result of the rise in high temperatures during the summer months and
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