التحليل المكاني لحرمان الاسر وفق دليل ميدان الصحة في محافظة كربلاء للعام 2016
This study dealt with the spatial analysis of the deprivation of families according to the guide of the field of health in Karbala governorate for the year 2016 at the level of the environment according to the administrative units and the detailed study of the deprivation using internationally approved indicators by the United Nations, in addition to being identical with the indicators adopted by the Central Organization for Statistics and Information Technology (2006 and 2011), and through the field study and its references began to distribute a questionnaire (2048) questionnaire form designed according to the weight of each administrative unit, the deprivation rates were obtained for each indicator of the field of health which (28.08%). The study also shows that there is spatial variation of the deprivation of families in the governorate according to the administrative units. With the highest rate of deprivation of the field of health in contrast to the center of the province of Hindi, which has the lowest rate of deprivation, and used in the study cluster analysis method, which is a method of multivariate statistical analysis to analyze spatial relations and spatial differences, was used to activate the level of convergence and differences by administrative units and The field of health was used for the purpose of linking the administrative units with each other according to the level of convergence and the similarity between the distance between them, where the gathering of the units on the basis of a set of characteristics and fields to end to a single cluster, and according to the light of spatial variation and analysis and interpretation of spatial relations was drawn up population policies for the field of health A set of measures and recommendations based on spatial relations demographic socio-economic decision-makers in Iraq and the province of Karbala can benefit from, which would reduce levels of deprivation and raise levels of well-being and can contribute to reducing the differences Mecca The intention of the indicators of the field of health according to the administrative units of the province using the data of this study.
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