مؤشر راحة الإنسان لاختيار المواقع السياحية في شمال العراق
The study of human comfort is one of the aspects on which international studies focused in the first and second decades of the new millennium because the developed countries depend on providing human comfort to reach human creativity. Consequently, the quantitative analysis of the selection of tourist sites in northern Iraq was studied Based on the data of climate stations as well as comparison with stations in the region and central Iraq to determine the rest areas that represent the tourist areas in northern Iraq, and there are many factors (external and internal) affect collectively or individually on human activity and Rahat The climate has a direct impact on human life and in all living aspects because the climate imposes the most important and most urgent controls and affects the mood of the individual and the group at the same time. However, the impact of the weather situation in the human and its various activities vary from person to person and from time to time. However, the exploitation of tourism resources, whether natural or human, is closely related to the exploitation of these climatic characteristics effectively in the development and development of tourism movement and restore the comfort and harmony of individuals because the natural atmosphere better impact on the health and comfort of tourists from the artificial atmosphere.
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5- بيانات الهيئة العامة للانواء الجوية العراقية والرصد الزلزالي، قسم المناخ .
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