Female dominance and vacillation of the center in the introduction to the Ba'ali Alaqma stallion


  • Iman Mohamed Ibrahim






The importance of the language is in the citations that the human been can evaluate its existence with it and in the nouns that take more affect than just being nouns. Therefore it has been agreed in language sciences that the language is a communication tool, explanations methods and an aesthetic sense. These proposals were able to open a wider prospect for the literary critiques to describe the language as a motion that researches and looks for the aesthetic thrills where the novelty is found. It also concentrated on the artistic editorial and the fantasy depth path until it reached all its inspiration energies, the reason that led the language to look after the critiques thoughts comparing to all other areas of thought. The formalism of “Ba’yat Alqama” came in an artistic structure has no visibility to ruins perspectives, while the woman instead; was focused on as the heart of the total motions



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Linguistics and Arabic literature

How to Cite

Female dominance and vacillation of the center in the introduction to the Ba’ali Alaqma stallion. (2015). Al-Adab Journal, 111, 65-88. https://doi.org/10.31973/aj.v0i111.1488

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