The problem of congestion in the Sadr district (Sadr City) reasons and solutions Study in the geography of urban transport


  • ميثم خلف موسى الجامعة المستنصرية - كلية التربية قسم الجغرافية



This research shows the distribution of the main congestion in Sadr City (Sadr City), which suffers from a clear lack of regulatory authority. This is due to the weakness of the planning visions on the temporal level, as well as the absence of future plans that take into account the size of the city's growing population , Where the transport contributes to activating the role of economic activity such as industrial activity, trade and services, increasing the volume of investment and expanding the economic movement, as well as being the basic basis on which the other life joints are based. The research has revealed many problems related to transport, if not dealt with in proportion toThe size of the current population will inevitably affect the future growth rate


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How to Cite

The problem of congestion in the Sadr district (Sadr City) reasons and solutions Study in the geography of urban transport. (2018). Al-Adab Journal, 1(125), 357-380.

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