موقف سبينوزا من العلاقة بين الفلسفة والدين
((دراسة تحليلية مقارنة))
سبينوزا, الفلسفة, الدينAbstract
This research shed a light or (( Spinoza attitude about the relationship between philosophy and religion : comparative analytical study )) it state the general situation along with the history of philosophy since Greek philosophy and middle page philosophy in its branch Islamic and Christian to the modern philosophy till Spinoza had orientated to certify this reaction between philosophy and religion.
So. the religion ship will be strong between them or between reason and faith or submission reason to the religion. As for Spinoza attitude , he opposes this inclination and believe that there is on real relation between them . As for ham each one of them depend on different principles . The aim of philosophy is the reality and aim of religion is obedience. Philosophy depends on right and clear principles which sustain them from nature known as inner light. I Faith depends on history and language jurisprudence. I faith is taken from holy book , It is know as in separation by gurgles . As for philosophy it depends on reason which reality , faith depends on imagination which try to effect souls and mind .
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