الفرد العربي من حضور الذات الى فعل الانتحار التكوين - المسار - الغاية


  • طالب محمد كريم استاذ فلسفة التاريخ في قسم الفلسفة  كلية الآداب/الجامعة المستنصرية




الانتحار – الاصولية – السلفية


By reading the history of the development of ideas and theories in the Arab-Islamic arena, we automatically discover that these projects were tantamount to reacting to the dark history of the Arab society under colonialism and occupation, which destroyed the social and cultural structure, Who walked with injustice and ignorance. The era of Arab prosperity has left a great impact on the Arab and Islamic memory, and the human psychology, which has made the educated and educated elite feel very sad and sad in measuring the frustrating and miserable present with the ancient past. There are two types of non-social causes that can be attributed primarily to the rate of suicide: the organic-psychological state and the nature of the physical medium. The most important direct factors that led to a change in the course of radical movements and a change in the method of claiming rights are: the factor of continuous occupation, the secular Ataturk state, the end of the Ottoman Empire, the succession of Muslims and the occupation of Israel in 1948, as Israel is the first country in the region to acquire an independent nuclear and missile capability. The radical map and its link began after the end of Russia's occupation of Afghanistan. The Mujahideen directed their efforts to three countries: Bosnia, Egypt and Algeria. Where they failed in Bosnia to Islamize the conflict over the meaning of civil war, and in Algeria, they won the guerrilla war technica war, but the atrocities in this country isolated them from the social circles supporting them.

The causes and motives of the composition can be reduced to: elites affected by general principles such as the Renaissance factor and the Islamic state, in the big slogan (Islam is the solution, Islam is a religion and a state). And the mass bases that were secondary factors helped to manufacture the radical body such as the economic factor of poverty and the absence of social justice in the distribution of wealth. Ending the political and sectarian conflict, which is always the cause of societies and citizens, is conditional on ending the causes of radical policies, creating a safe environment (food security and prevention), increasing poverty, promoting democratic behavior and respect for human rights and the culture of peaceful coexistence. The central statements that differentiate and distinguish and work on a hierarchical description of the degree of citizens (religious, sectarian, national, partisan, ideological). The distribution of wealth and the application of the principle of social justice and equality of opportunity, and giving according to the act of the individual and his adherence to the principles of laws and fair legislation, are able to end or reduce the chances of suicide bombings and counter-violence. And reduce the public space that supports these extremist theories.


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Author Biography

  • طالب محمد كريم, استاذ فلسفة التاريخ في قسم الفلسفة  كلية الآداب/الجامعة المستنصرية

    م. د. طالب محمد كريم

    استاذ فلسفة التاريخ في قسم الفلسفة

     كلية الآداب/الجامعة المستنصرية

    [email protected]


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How to Cite

الفرد العربي من حضور الذات الى فعل الانتحار التكوين - المسار - الغاية. (2018). Al-Adab Journal, 1(127), 492-508. https://doi.org/10.31973/aj.v1i127.190

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